Mission Statement
Our Total Mission is to Create an Environment that Will Encourage Our Valued Customers to Depend on Q.R.S. & Q.P.S. for Their Refrigerated Needs. Whether it is…
Leasing USDA Space For Value Adding.
Blast Freezing Products For Quick Movement.
Sorting or Order Picking Items for Further Distribution.
Or Preparing Documents, Products, and Transportation for Exporting Items Around the World.
...We at Q.R.S. & Q.P.S., Want to Be Known as Being ‘The BEST’ at What We do for Our Customers. We Will Accomplish this Mission Every Day by Total Caring, Hard Work, Concentration, and a Good Understanding of The Word SERVICE.
By Achieving Our Company Mission, Everyone Involved—Customers, Employees, and Company—Will Enjoy Personal and Physical Growth into the Future.